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Podcast Promotion: 13 Marketing Tactics To Get More Podcast Listeners

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There are tons of different ways to promote a podcast.

Some are fairly easy and don’t require a lot of effort, while some might take a bit more time.

I’ve tried to include a variety of different podcast marketing tactics so that you can pick and choose what makes sense for you.

I recommend choosing one or two simple podcast promotion methods (the first 2 are great starting points if you don’t already do them) and then coming back to add methods to your marketing mix.

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How To Start A WordPress Blog (For A Podcast Or Not)

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Learning how to start a WordPress blog can be both fun and profitable.

But if you try to create a blog without a little guidance, it can be easy to quickly get frustrated and quit. We don’t want that!

We’re going to run through how I would start a WordPress blog in 2025 – plus give you some additional options that are popular these days.

There are a few different things you’ll need (which we’ll go through in more detail) in order to get your WordPress site online including:

  • A topic or niche
  • A domain name (the .com)
  • WordPress hosting (where your site “lives”)
  • A WordPress theme (how your blog looks)
  • WordPress plugins (how to customize your site)

And of course, a little time to get things set up and modified (I’ll show you the default settings to change a little later).

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Email Marketing Hacks Every Podcaster Should Know

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Podcasting is quickly becoming mainstream. A lot of big bucks are being made in the area and now the only thing standing between a podcaster and success, apart from great content and presentation, of course, is marketing.

One of the podcast marketing strategies that can really get you shooting for the stars is email marketing. It is a treasure chest of opportunity that can allow you to grow your podcast exponentially.

When it comes to email marketing, however, some things generally work better than others and success is a matter of knowing what works and what doesn’t.

That’s what this article is going to be about: the email marketing hacks that will get your podcast growing.

If you’re just getting started, here are my favorite email marketing platforms – Ross.

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Get Up to 5X More Traffic To Your Podcast Episodes With Audiograms

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As a smart podcaster, you know the power of strategically sharing your episodes.

That means you need awesome, proven marketing assets as ammo to push out your audio.

And that’s where audiograms come in.

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How To Screen Guests For Your Podcast

Disclosure: Links to other sites may be affiliate links that generate us a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Hey, Ross here. We have a great guest post from Andrew Allemann of PodcastGuests.com.

If you want to find guests to be on your podcast or find podcasts to be a guest on check out his site here.

Want to listen while browsing the site? Subscribe on Apple or Google Podcasts.

All podcasters have experienced it: an interview with a guest for their podcast that ends up being a big flop.

The guest was boring, they rambled all over the place, they focused on pitching their own product, or they had horrible sound quality.

Not only does the interview end up being a waste of time, but they have to break the news to the other person that their interview won’t air.

Preventing this from happening requires some preparation work, but once a podcaster has a process for it, they’ll be able to have great guest segments every time they interview someone.

Here are steps you can take to make sure each guest is a home run:

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